Sketch 1 by edinbosnjak
April 30, 2008, 12:22 pm
Filed under: ideas

Another day at the office by edinbosnjak
April 29, 2008, 1:19 pm
Filed under: ideas

Here we are working on a more specific product, brainstorming which functions etc. it needs to contain and it’s purpose. More on the way 🙂


do-re-mi … by danielronge
April 29, 2008, 12:30 pm
Filed under: inspiration

bit shed light synthesizer by joewhat
April 29, 2008, 11:01 am
Filed under: ideas

The idea is to have a Party Shed with a freestyle jam Arduino sequncing synthesizer. The synthesizer is inside the shed and linked up to different light sources around the shed.

Lights are:
A panel in front of the shed witchs is linked directly to the sound scale of the synth.

The shed get more active and blinks from peoples activity around it, and should be linked to the lower frequencies of the synth. Then I would love some moving light chains moved by small motors from an analysis of the music! wow!

I’ts all powered by a giant windmill on top of the shed.

Then we can have a cosy bit party in the mittle of the street :0)

link to alittle animation

Arduino Tech by joewhat
April 29, 2008, 10:25 am
Filed under: inspiration

Hacking VGA with Arduino


Arduino SID-emulator shield


Critter and Guitar Cellular Automata Video Synthesizer


AirJelly by danielronge
April 29, 2008, 9:38 am
Filed under: ideas, inspiration | Tags:

not really related to any idea yet, but very interesting:

ResoNet by Alexandra
April 29, 2008, 9:24 am
Filed under: inspiration

ResoNet’s tensile web structure is stretched across a space, like a spider web.
A series of vibration sensors & LED circuit components are fixed
at key intersections on the tensile network, to detect minute vibrations as a
result of human and natural activity.
Be it a brush of a hand, or a passing breeze, the energy is converted
into light that resonates across the structure,
immersing the public in a cascading visual of flashing LED’s __

ColorBench by edinbosnjak
April 29, 2008, 9:15 am
Filed under: ideas

Introducing the ColorBench. The purpose of this is to light up that certain area where the bench is located, lighting up your little public space. The bench is semi-transparent plexi containg a bunch of LED’s which can change in color depending on how long a person has been sitting on the bench.

An idea is also to have like a rooftop thing which comes out from the back of the bench and then works like a rooftop over your head, also lighting up where you sit so when at dark you can see what is happening around you. As soon as you leave the bench this top will then roll back and you only see a ”large” bench back changing in to some beautiful colors. The bench should also store previous color combinatons, information etc. and combine this in to this random color change when the bench is not being used.

Networking by Alexandra
April 29, 2008, 9:13 am
Filed under: ideas

While people are waiting at bus stops, metro stations,etc…their electronic devices, always connected to the rest of the world, would send radiations wich could be colleted and trasformed into signals of light on the walls next to them. The led lights would then interact with each other creating different shapes wich would show the network that sourrounds us 24/7.

HumanShade by Alexandra
April 29, 2008, 9:08 am
Filed under: ideas

The shadows of people walking during the day could be used as a light source during the night and it would give a sense of security at night to think that a certain place is busy during the day..