Kongens Nytorv by danielronge
April 25, 2008, 4:40 pm
Filed under: deliverables | Tags: ,

We investigated the different sources of light in the area, finding a system of cable-suspended streetlamps, different styles of old fashioned lamps on poles and some modern lighting solutions.
We also looked at places and objects that could be integrated with lighting.

2 Comments so far
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Good job on the video and good observation. How did you like the trip? What called most your attention about the area and light usage? Was there anything you thought inspiring? If you were to create something to the area, what would it be?
I’m looking forward to hearing more! 😉

Comment by Isabel

the trip was alright, it still seems a little bit unreasonable though. But it was good to breath city atmosphere 🙂 and to see people interact with the city.
the inside lighting of the theatre really caught our attention, but the lighting in the area in general wasn’t that inspiring. We thought about integrating light in places where people sit and spend some time. Another idea for the area would be to light up the cables and poles that hold the street lamps.


Comment by danielronge

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