ColorBench by edinbosnjak
April 29, 2008, 9:15 am
Filed under: ideas

Introducing the ColorBench. The purpose of this is to light up that certain area where the bench is located, lighting up your little public space. The bench is semi-transparent plexi containg a bunch of LED’s which can change in color depending on how long a person has been sitting on the bench.

An idea is also to have like a rooftop thing which comes out from the back of the bench and then works like a rooftop over your head, also lighting up where you sit so when at dark you can see what is happening around you. As soon as you leave the bench this top will then roll back and you only see a ”large” bench back changing in to some beautiful colors. The bench should also store previous color combinatons, information etc. and combine this in to this random color change when the bench is not being used.

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