SRF08 sensor code
June 11, 2008, 6:24 pm
Filed under: process

There are a number of Arduino code examples out there to hook up a Devantech Ultrasonic SRF08 sensor, however only one (found here), that I saw, clearly shows how to change the two main customizable features; the analog gain, and the range. However, after much trouble shooting it was discovered that there are a few typos in the code sections referring changing these options.

The full spec sheet for the SRF08 can be found here on the Robot Electronics website. This page shows the correct addresses and codes to properly communicate with it. The example Arduino code from the website above makes a few mistakes with reference to these numbers.

One under the “sensitivity adjust” section when sending the analog gain code to address 01. The current 0x21 is not a valid “gain hex register” according to the spec sheet. I changed it to 0x00 giving it a max gain of 94.

There’s also a mistake under the “range select” section where it needs to call address 2 to write the hex to, however it’s written as 0x20 instead of 0x02. Then the next line, sending 0x00, will give it a range of 43mm. This can be changed to any number of options as found on the spec sheet. Typing 0x8C will give it it’s maximum 6m range.

In addition, comments under both sections referring to “0x51 centimeters” and “0x52 ping seconds” are not relevent in this specific case. The section to change the feedback (what it measures in) is done in step 1 of the code, where these same comments then appear again.

Here is the code I used with the appropriate edits. Also, I made them both functions that I could call just in order to clean up the actual process loop.

//setSensitivity() sets the max range
void setSensitivity(int address){
//start i2c transmission

//send command
Wire.send(0x01); //set to reg1
Wire.send(0x00); //hex code for sensitity (0x00 = 94)

//end i2c trans

//setRange() sets the max range
void setRange(int address){
//start i2c transmission

//send command
Wire.send(0x02); //set to reg2
Wire.send(0xFF); //hex code for range (0xFF = max avail)

//end i2c trans


Prototyping code
May 23, 2008, 1:56 pm
Filed under: process

Written in Processing… demonstartes the basic interaction using the keyboard as a trigger and a black-line as the output. Next step, after refinement, is to make an ultrasound sensor the trigger and a servo motor the output.


Motion study
May 16, 2008, 1:51 pm
Filed under: research

Timelapse video at the rate of 1-second every 30 between the hours of 9am–12pm.


Project Brief
May 12, 2008, 3:27 pm
Filed under: deliverables

Project Brief
The development of buildings in the city creates new spaces on the inside often at the expense of public space at the street level. Our intent is to address these areas, that lie in the shadow created by these buildings, by making the space more inviting and interesting for pedestrians, and to encourage new interactions and use of the shade.

1. Optimal angles for reflection
2. Enrich the experience of being in the shade
3. Add interactivity
-Sensors analysing motion of people
-Motion feedback of reflection corresponding to sensor data
4. All-in-one
-Reflection system
-Motion sensors
5. Safety of both form and installation

3D modelling

We are looking to install this at the school above the front entrance. This is the ideal place to present our project because as not only is this area in shadow for the majority of the day, but it is also a place of familiarity in order to accurately judge it’s overall impact.


May 9, 2008, 3:17 pm
Filed under: research

We’ve observed the street area in front of Designskolen to be in shadow for the majority of the day as shown in the photos below:



Continue reading

Light pre-testing
May 9, 2008, 2:20 pm
Filed under: prototyping

We explored using mirrors and lenses to cast and reflect different types of light.

Also, we did some preliminary testing with mirrors at our target location. Using a rooftop reflector and a small mirror to direct the reflected light down into the shadow area of the street below.


Parabolic potential
May 8, 2008, 1:43 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

The potential for moving sunlight to where it’s needed by, more or less, passive means.


Blackboard idea-storm
May 5, 2008, 2:33 pm
Filed under: ideas

1. Shadow reflection

2. Street flower

3. Living forest


Adding interest through light
May 5, 2008, 1:52 am
Filed under: ideas

From observation, streets or areas that lie in shadow are not as popular as their counterparts in the sun. Below is a photo of a cafe in Copenhagen which shows a clear divide between the tables tucked under the shadow of the building and those in the sunlight. This is echoed on the streets as well, where one side of the street that is in shadow can find itself with less pedestrian traffic than the other side. Why? Perhaps it’s the warmth of the sun, an increased energy because of the light, more vivid colours, or maybe because the alternative is continuous shadowy stretch that can be dull and cold in contrast. A potential solution could be to use the already existing lamp posts which illuminate the street at night and retrofit it with a reflection “chandelier” of sorts which would disperse and reflect light focused onto it across the sidewalk and street.

Streets and especially open squares and plazas can be places of void with little shape or environment. These vast areas of brick or concrete, often dull grey in composition, lack any sort of visual stimulation that guides or piques interest in those passing through. Like the white flowers which light up and give spark to the otherwise solid green grass area, a different type of “flower” could be implemented that give colour and interest to the concrete. These small extruded objects could work a number of ways. First of all, they could reflect available light and even give hue to it through internal refraction. Secondly, at night they could light up by means of an LED, perhaps even changing colour. Third and finally, they could be interactive with those walking over top. If someone steps on one, perhaps it glows brighter or pulses, maybe even affecting the other “flowers” in the immediate area.

Light can be reflected and coloured quite easily—see how a CD can be used to cast a spectrum of light.


Information in light
May 4, 2008, 5:11 pm
Filed under: inspiration, research

Here is a project from Helsinki called Nuage Vert which uses a laser to project a green light outlining the emissions from a power plant to show current power consumption. It’s a brilliant subtle integration of information into light