May 21, 2008, 9:11 am
Filed under: research

May 7, 2008, 10:27 pm
Filed under: ideas

Here are some sketches on how a lightpole could look like by using a big lens and some reflective surfaces.

Experiments with reflection
May 7, 2008, 10:12 pm
Filed under: research

Experiment we made with som reflective (1×2 meters) material on top of a roof.






More sketches
May 4, 2008, 11:30 pm
Filed under: ideas

1. A person walks beside this screen “wall” where on one side the person is filmed and then projected on the other side like a cartoon character. The wall collects information about how fast etc. people are walking by and by night the wall would play all the recorded data randomly, together with all the others and create “art”. Another option could be that the other side (cartoon side) could be projected on the streets and not directly on the wall…

2. A “tunnel” where people walk through (if they want). Depending on the speed, height, clothes etc. the top roof will create some funky grafitti. At night, not only would this look lovely, but it will keep playing all the recorded data randomly, in different colors and create art.

3. Visualizer of noise in the city, just like a visualizer in a mediaplayer. Noise will be recorded through out the day and at night a screen would light up and the spectrums would start “jumping” all around the screen.

4. Tiles that record footsteps which light up right after you’ve walked over them. At night these would light up, start “walking”, move randomly and create art.

Sketch 1
April 30, 2008, 12:22 pm
Filed under: ideas

Another day at the office
April 29, 2008, 1:19 pm
Filed under: ideas

Here we are working on a more specific product, brainstorming which functions etc. it needs to contain and it’s purpose. More on the way 🙂


April 29, 2008, 9:15 am
Filed under: ideas

Introducing the ColorBench. The purpose of this is to light up that certain area where the bench is located, lighting up your little public space. The bench is semi-transparent plexi containg a bunch of LED’s which can change in color depending on how long a person has been sitting on the bench.

An idea is also to have like a rooftop thing which comes out from the back of the bench and then works like a rooftop over your head, also lighting up where you sit so when at dark you can see what is happening around you. As soon as you leave the bench this top will then roll back and you only see a ”large” bench back changing in to some beautiful colors. The bench should also store previous color combinatons, information etc. and combine this in to this random color change when the bench is not being used.