bit shed light synthesizer
April 29, 2008, 11:01 am
Filed under: ideas

The idea is to have a Party Shed with a freestyle jam Arduino sequncing synthesizer. The synthesizer is inside the shed and linked up to different light sources around the shed.

Lights are:
A panel in front of the shed witchs is linked directly to the sound scale of the synth.

The shed get more active and blinks from peoples activity around it, and should be linked to the lower frequencies of the synth. Then I would love some moving light chains moved by small motors from an analysis of the music! wow!

I’ts all powered by a giant windmill on top of the shed.

Then we can have a cosy bit party in the mittle of the street :0)

link to alittle animation

Arduino Tech
April 29, 2008, 10:25 am
Filed under: inspiration

Hacking VGA with Arduino


Arduino SID-emulator shield


Critter and Guitar Cellular Automata Video Synthesizer
