Sketches on how it could work…
May 8, 2008, 9:00 am
Filed under: research

kinetic facade
May 5, 2008, 7:49 pm
Filed under: inspiration

Sooo COOL!…we could use this with mirrors?

Sketches4human movements sensors…
May 3, 2008, 2:17 pm
Filed under: ideas

1. This is an idea for a shape of the walking sensors showed on people’s heads so they would see the light moving while they walk by, just if looking up.That could b solar pannels on the top and it would give a nice shade douring the day.

2. This is based on the idea of the ”net”of leds but it a tunnel experience the people would walk into…and by stepping on a platform underneath it, vibrations of people walking would give the power for the lights.


A tree that interacts with people walking by, some of it made with metal pannels that reflect light a capture it as energy…during the day the pannels on the tree would move like leaves on trees and maybe that could give the energy?

4. A walking expereince through these lighting up structures.

5. The rotating elements I’ve made them looking back at Daniel thought with the rotating leds and a thought of a more organic shape maybe made of different levels of tablets wich each has leds integraed into it.It’s a bit complex but it has some potetial still I think.

6.And last but not least I came up with a white, pure and beautifully poetic shape of a cloud, wich inside has a structure of leds and outside a spreading light material wich could be vey light and seethrough during the day and give light during the night. In the day it could actually function as a real cloud wich gives shade and a place to escape from the rain…


April 29, 2008, 9:24 am
Filed under: inspiration

ResoNet’s tensile web structure is stretched across a space, like a spider web.
A series of vibration sensors & LED circuit components are fixed
at key intersections on the tensile network, to detect minute vibrations as a
result of human and natural activity.
Be it a brush of a hand, or a passing breeze, the energy is converted
into light that resonates across the structure,
immersing the public in a cascading visual of flashing LED’s __

April 29, 2008, 9:13 am
Filed under: ideas

While people are waiting at bus stops, metro stations,etc…their electronic devices, always connected to the rest of the world, would send radiations wich could be colleted and trasformed into signals of light on the walls next to them. The led lights would then interact with each other creating different shapes wich would show the network that sourrounds us 24/7.

April 29, 2008, 9:08 am
Filed under: ideas

The shadows of people walking during the day could be used as a light source during the night and it would give a sense of security at night to think that a certain place is busy during the day..

April 29, 2008, 8:57 am
Filed under: ideas

Playing with mirrors placed in different angles instead of using too many light sources would be an idea for less consuming energy.