LED Rims by danielronge
April 28, 2008, 10:06 am
Filed under: inspiration | Tags:

imagine this on a windmill !

james clar by danielronge
April 27, 2008, 8:27 pm
Filed under: inspiration | Tags: ,

nice stuff:


especially this 3D-cube-pong:

Sea Organ by danielronge
April 27, 2008, 4:24 pm
Filed under: inspiration | Tags:

not light, but sound … played by the sea! check it out:


Fête des Lumières – Lyon, France by danielronge
April 25, 2008, 4:14 pm
Filed under: inspiration

Festival of Light – Lyon, France

Hussein Chalayan – LED fashion by danielronge
April 25, 2008, 2:38 pm
Filed under: inspiration | Tags: ,