when creativity goes wrong by danielronge
May 8, 2008, 2:42 pm
Filed under: ideas | Tags:

we decided to create some kind of inverted overhead projector – we call it the under(xxxx)head projector.

A mirror on the rooftop reflects the light onto a second reflective surface that will create some kind of pattern by vibrating. There will also be another more controllable pattern inserted into the beam. A lens at the end will spread the light out onto a bigger surface. 4 sensors that border the area under the light will count how many people are in that area. This will make the controllable pattern react.


light steps by danielronge
April 27, 2008, 4:21 pm
Filed under: ideas | Tags:

the space around people sitting on the steps illuminates. The color indicates how long they have been sitting there. The light remains for a while after someone left, like a footprint. Idealy this would be powered by the peoples body heat. The whole system would visualize the traffic at a spot like this.